Episode 227 of The Rob V Show (Live from (Live from Delilah’s for Quimby’s sweet sixteen)

Episode 227 of the Rob V Show was held live at Delilah’s to pay homage to the David Koresh of football tailgating, Mr.Craig “Quimby” Chenoksy. We were also joined by Pep and The Palmers. During the show, Mrs. Palmer revealed to the audience that she was falling in love with a different dancer every thirty minutes. We were also joined by Sammy Brooks who was kind enough to take time out of her busy schedule to call in. Also, many of the lovely ladies from Delilah’s took some time and joined us at the table. Yours truly, had a live lap dance and did the play by play in the champagne room. Finally, we made an announcement for Bubble Butt Beer Pong Two. On (Tuesday night Dec 23rd), we are awarding a $500.00 purse to the team that makes it through this very competitive tournament. If anyone wishes to play, you can sign up at (The Rob V Show Fan Page on Facebook) or email me at robvradio@gmail.com. Tune in next week have a good week everyone and go Birds!


Episode 226 of The Rob V Show (The Devil’s Lettuce)

Episode 226 of The Rob V Show was very interesting. For the 2nd straight week, we did not have a guest so the crew was forced to actually work for a change. Tony Palmer was in studio and our new Eagles correspondent Samantha Sheppard called in to talk about last weeks Monday Night game, the upcoming game in Green Bay and also belly dancing. We also learned the Fed Ex can sometimes blatantly lie to their customers and that Quimby will be losing two bets with Pep in the near future. Also, you can hear how I got a date this upcoming Sunday with a little help from my friends! Have a good week everyone!


Episode 225 of The Rob V Show (Choke on it)

After a two week hiatus we were back on the air for episode #225. The buxom Amber Brooks called in from the Lone Star state to talk about her career and last Sundays Eagles Texans game. Quimby discovered a Nick Manning sound board and the phrase “Choke on it ” will probably becoming our most played sound clip. After going through all the news we had a heated debate on what the Eagles record will be the rest of the way. If the finish 4-4 or below I will have my testicles crushed on the steps of City Hall. Check out the whole show right here.


Episode 224 of The Rob V Show (Gifts from the M.I.L.F.S)

Episode 224 of the Rob V show left us short staffed to the absence of Pep who was actually doing some work for a change. We were joined in the studio by Christina and Arianna who was with us during our summer modeling shoots. We had a first on the show when our guests were joined on the show by their mothers. Myself, Quimby, and Tony Rollz were dispensing advice to Christina on how to handle end a relationship and CS made a surprise visit to the show. For some reason CS didn’t even acknowledge me with even a hello which made your host very angry. Check out the show right here!


Episode 223 of The Rob V Show (Tammy Marie)

The 223 Episodic edition of the Rob V show brought the whole group together for the first time in months. After talking news and sports we were joined by the very sexy and vivacious Tammy Marie. Tammy is a professional pilates instructor and she came in to give me a workout. After bending me like a pretzel for 20 minutes, Tammy finally had mercy for me and let me continue our normal programming. Recently I was electrocuted on the air and this week I was physically abused. Check out the rest of the show at right here. Have a good week everyone!

Follow Tammy on Instagram @Tammymariepilatesmt trust me its worth it!
Show Twitter:@Velivis82

Episode 222 of The Rob V Show (Columbus Day)

Episode 222 of The Rob V Show was a very rare occasion we had no female guests so it gave us plenty of time to go over many topics. We covered last weeks Eagles win over the St.Louis Rams. We also talked about our dislike for Buzz Bissinger and everyone’s favorite death row inmate, Mumia Abu Jamal. Also, we covered what Columbus Day means to us in the 21st century and we also touched on the Moors invading Sicily in the year 827. For one evening, The Rob V Show was a news station. Just this week. We will be back to our regular debauchery next week!


Nina Elle

The newest spokesmodel for The Rob V Show the one and only Nina Elle.  Make sure you go check out  her website ninaellexxx.com and follow her on Twitter @NinaElleXXX.   Go Vote for her at RocketStore.com for the first ever Handei Girl girl by clicking this link thehandie.com/vote

Episode 221 of The Rob V Show (Lexi and Renne)

Episode 221 of The Rob V Show was a great show from start to finish. Myself, Quimby, and Pep started out talking about the 3-0 Philadelphia Eagles and how much #5 loves us! We also talked about our outing at Delilah’s Den over the weekend. Then the real fun started when we were joined by Sexy Lexi and her friend Renee.   After a few cocktails the ladies loosened up and told us some fascinating tidbits about their relationship. They also participated in a game of dirty dice. Which proved to be very exciting. If you want to hear and see more of what transpired tune in or check out our Facebook page. Have a great week everyone and Go Birds!

Follow the girls on Instagram:
Sexy Lexi-@danni_gaga
Renee Beverly-@reneebeverly215


Episode 220 of The Rob V Show (Shock Therapy)

Episode 220 of The Rob V Show was a shocking tale of yours truly learning what electricity can do to ones body. After dissecting the Philadelphia Eagles Monday night victory in Indianapolis, the craziness began. Our good friend Lily and a new friend of the show Izabella,joined us directly from her home state of Alabama. The ladies proceeded to hook me up to some type of electronic device where my thighs and nipples will now have permanent injuries. During the final hour of the show, we were joined by Elise from The Gold Club. Upon her appearance, a big game of Dirty Dice broke out. Tune in and enjoy my 3 hours of torture and you can see pictures of this on our Facebook page. Have a good week everyone!

Twitter: @Velivis82,@lilynight4u,@IzabellaDreamz



Episode 219 of The Rob V Show “Big Titty Tuesday”

Tuesdays will now be called “Big Titty Tuesday” as long as we continue to have voluptuous guests in our studio. The usual suspects myself,Quimby,Pep, and Mr. Tony Rollz were joined by Tempest and Angelina. They joined us for a conversation and a great game of Dirty Dice. We also touched on the Ray Rice situation, the Philadelphia Eagles opener, and the sizes of our guests areolas. Our phone lines were lit up this week with calls from Captian Demps and Dana Mccelndon also, Pep’s cousin Ken Mondillo called in to promote a benefit for a wonderful person Ms.Tina Schwartz who has been battling an illness. You can find the details for the benefit on our fan page. Enjoy the show and have a good week everyone!

Check out Angelina’s software that she helped develop  stripsync.com.


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