Episode 237 of the Rob V show signified the return of the full cast and crew and the addition of two lovely ladies that we hope will be permanent staples of our weekly circus. Connie and Jane were kind enough to join us and after surprising the pizza delivery man, they helped us get through the news and sports. Also, Jane educated us on the term Trust Pee. Which later on in the show, you will be shocked by the shows soggy ending. We also had an injury on the set. Quimby, who has a habit of tossing bottle caps and wine corks, connected with Tony Palmer’s eye. Next week we will probably see Tony dressed like a pirate with an eye patch. This show will be our last at this studio. Next week we will be moving to bigger and higher places! Have a great week everyone!
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Episode 236 of The Rob V Show (Charles Manson’s greatest hits)

Episode 236 of the Rob V Show was not our usual type of show. It was very 60 minutes like. Due to lack of guests, we shortened the show for two hrs. but we had plenty important topics to talk about. For instance, we talked about Charles Manson’s song catalog, an Ohio man who randomly poops on people’s cars, we reviewed the upcoming sweet 16 matchups for the NCAA tournament and we also celebrated the life of Chuck Bednarik. The greatest Eagle of them all!!!! Listen in and enjoy. Also, for the next two weeks we will be doing random podcasts in the Philly area. Details will be posted.
Have a great week everyone!
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Episode 235 of The Rob V Show (Ruby Ryder)

After missing another week of broadcasting due to bad weather, we returned for Episode 235 of the Rob V Show. We were joined directly from Green bay, Wisconsin, Miss Ruby Ryder and he sidekick Dakota. After interviewing the lovely ladies, they persuaded to partake in a game of dirty dice. Also Ruby Ryder showed me a fascinating trick that she can do with a $5.00 bill. The Philadelphia Eagles made a bunch of moves right before the show began and it was debated whether our coach knows what the hell he is doing! Enjoy the show and have a great week!
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Episode 234 of The Rob V Show (ER)

Episode 234 of the Rob V Show signified our return from our 2 week hiatus. After going through two weeks of news, sports, and entertainment we were joined by our favorite male adult film star. The immortal Nick Manning. After rubbing it in that it was 75 degrees and sunny in LA, Nick talked to us about some of his films and his recent appearance in a new Show Time documentary titled, “X Rated: The Greatest Adult Movies of All Time”. We also talked about the possibility of taking the show out on the road sometime this year. Stay warm everyone except Nick and we will see you next week!
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Episode 233 of The Rob V Show (Bikini Beer Pong)

(Photo Credit- thefif5thelement photography)
Bubble Butt! Bubble Bubble Bubble Butt! That was the common theme of Episode 233 of the Rob V Show. Bubble Butt Bikini Beer Pong II took place in our studio high above the Philadelphia Skyline. When the dust was settled. Team (We just came here for the ball wash) with defending champion Jenny Palmer and Leah won a hard fought battle. We were also joined by a few friends to view the event and of course our dirty dice found its way into the fray. I don’t want to reveal too much so you will have to listen. I also wanted to thank all the contestants and our sponsors Double Visions,City Fitness,Lord Darnley’s Bloody Mary Mix and off course Quimby for providing the venue and the snacks for this epic athletic contest. Enjoy!!!
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Episode 232 of The Rob V Show (Nick Manning)

Episode 232 of the Rob V Show was one hell of a good time! After talking about deflated footballs and imaginary snow storms, we were joined in the studio by (Nina and Cream) from Delilah’s Den. After the lovely ladies settled in ,we were joined via telephone, by the legendary adult film star Mr. Nick Manning. We talked about Nick’s career in the adult industry as well as in mainstream entertainment and in professional modeling. Later on, we spoke with (Cream) about the possibility of reading Dr. Seuss’s “Green Eggs and Ham” to Pep with her very hot, sultry, sexy voice. We also did Super Bowl trivia in which our lucky winners will be in studio for the 2nd Annual Bubble Butt Bikini Beer Pong Tournament. The field of 8 2 woman teams have been set and they will compete for the $500.00 cash prize. Our own Mrs. Jenny Palmer will be defending her title with a new partner this year! Tune in and enjoy and we have you will join us next week for our big event!
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Episode 231 of The Rob V Show (F The Electoral College)

Episode #231 of the Rob V Show was full of surprises. After going through the news, we were joined by our cohost and his gray prison shirt, Mr.Tony Palmer. Then in the second hour we were joined by Scotty from FIF5THElEMENT Photography and he shared many of his job experiences with us. We also were treated by Quimby who sang his rendition of CSNY’s “Southern Cross” . The group will be renamed Crosby,Stills, Nash and Chenosky. In the final hour, we were joined by Tiffany who was in this years Deep Blue Calendar and she was accompanied by her friend Emily. After some coaxing the lovely ladies have joined the field for the (The Rob V Show Bikini Bubble Bubble Butt Beer Pong Invitational Tournament). As a reminder we have 5 teams of 2 signed up for the $500.00 purse. We are looking for 3 more teams. You can sign up at by emailing me at robvradio@gmail.com. Have a good week everyone and enjoy the snow!
Follow our buddy Scotty on Instagram @FIF5THElEMENT
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Episode 230 of the Rob V Show “Here is some Quimby just for you”

Episode 230 of the Rob V Show will be titled “Here is some Quimby just for you”. Two of the lovely ladies from Quimby’s 2015 Deep Blue Calendar, Ke Ke and Kitty, were in studio. The ladies joined us for some cocktails, conversation, and a nice game of dirty dice. Also, it was discovered that Kitty has an attraction to redheads. Pep’s reply was a simple yes!!!!!! We also received a call from Dana C. Mclendon III to update us on the Hot Crazy Matrix. As a reminder, we are still taking 2 person teams for the Bikini Beer Pong Tournament scheduled for Feb.3rd! Also, we want to congratulate Quimby and the girls for their successful calendar shoot in Atlantis and good luck at the signing events this weekend! You can find additional information for the events on facebook. Have a good week everyone!
Here is all the info for the Deep Blue Calendar events this weekend.
Friday the 16th – 8-10:30 PM, XFINITY LIVE from 10:30-???
Saturday the 17th – FRANKLIN’S EAST FALLS 8:10-30 PM, CAV’S RITTENHOUSE from 10:30-???
Sunday the 18th – KINGS OAK from Noon until 5 PM!!
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Episode 229 of The Rob V Show (Take that Juice)

Episode 229 kicked off with a bang. Our very first guest of 2015 Joy, actually showed up 30 mins. ahead of schedule! Joy entertained us in various form of dress and introduced us the phrase “Take that juice”. We also discussed what we did during our two week hiatus and also talked about the status of our city’s major sports teams. In the final hour,we were joined by Ashley from The Victory Beer Hall at Xfinity Live. Also, we are in the process of rescheduling the Second Annual Rob V Show Bikini Beer Pong Invitational. Right now it is scheduled for Feb.3rd. More details will be coming. Enjoy the show and have a great week!
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Episode 228 of The Rob V Show (Jabba’s Whore’s)

Episode #228 of the Rob V Show signified the long awaited return of Mr.Tony Rollz. Tony informed us of the possibility of playing Professional Rugby in New Zealand next summer. He could become the Gordie Howe of rugby. Our scheduled guest, Ms.Amie Adcock, enlightened us in the world of NPC Figure competition. Amie allowed us to gawk over her impressive physique during the evening and she also gave us some workout tips. None that will be used by yours truly of course! Also, we had two big announcements. One, we will now be carried on Planet Platypus Radio in Fort Lauderdale,Florida. This will be an exciting venture for the show. Two, we are still looking for more teams to compete in the 2nd Bubble Butt Beer Pong Tournament. This will take place on Monday December 22. Start time 7:30 Pm. If anyone wants to compete, you can sign up on our facebook page or call us at 215-392-0514. Have a good week everyone!