Episode 280 of The Rob V Show Adult film Star Envy Jolie joined us live in studio and she did not dissapoint! I am not going to bore you with a full decscription of the show just hit the play button and enjoy!
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#WCW Envy Jolie

Envy is from Hunting Beach,California and is an adult actress and model. Normally when I pick a girl for Women Crush Wednesday she been on the show as a guest. This time its a little different Envy will be live and in person with us next Wednesday and we are looking forward to it. You can check Envy out at her website EnvyJolie.Club. Don’t forget next week to make sure you tune into EP 280 of The Rob V Show it should be a great show!
Twitter: @xxxenvy4u
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#WCW (Anjelia Pelay)

Anjelia is from Toms River, New Jersey. I always like to promote people from our area as much as I can. I got to meet her this past weekend at the Philly’s Phinest Calendar release party. She was very down to earth and I feel like I have know her for years after getting to spend some time with her Oh did I mention she is very easy on the eyes! She is also a musician and will be playing at Saloon 151 in West Chester,Pa this Friday night! Anjelia has a residency with her band Howl At The Moon at Universal Studios Hollywood,CA. Check her single out right here Superman! If you would like to book Anjelia you can at anjeliapelay.com.
Twitter: @Anjelia
Facebook: Anjelia Pelay
Instagram: @anjeliapelay
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Episode 279 of The Rob V Show (Live from Monarch)

Episode 279 of The Rob V Show we were live from Monarch in Northern Liberties for the Philly’s Phinest Calendar release party. Mike Diaz was back on the air with us. We had many of the lovely ladies from the calendar join us through out the day! Mike O’Neil also gave us the 411 on the Hair of The Dog at the Fillmore. Diaz and Mike also have are starting to have a bromance. Kenny from Tango also joined us to talk about his bar and what nights are good to stop in.
Check the whole show out right here! thank you to our buddy Mike O’Neil at Monarch!
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Episode 278 of The Rob V Show (It’s an ok size compared to a black man)

Episode 278 if The Rob V Show our buddy Mike O’Neill from Monarch joined us in studio. We were back on the air for the first time in almost a month. I made it a point to bring up Ernest Owens from Philly.com and his article on the Mummers parade. We looked forward to the 2017 Eagles season and the Green Legion trip to L,A Cherelle and Mika from Cheerleaders joined us and you can guess will the show went from there! Tune into the whole show right here!
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#WCW (Alyson Catherine)

Alyson comes to us by way of Amish country. She has been on the show many times and it’s always a lot of fun when she stops by the studio. I don’t know how we have not scared her away yet. Alyson’s favorite movie is (This is the End). Alyson told me she had zero interesting facts about her. This radio hosts begs to differ! If you wold like to buy an autographed copy of the 2017 Philly’s Phinest Swimsuit calander email your first and last name and email to redding.alyson08081992@gmail.com. Alyson is also available for paid shoots.
Instagram: @alyson.catherine
Twitter: @alysonredding
Facebook: Alyson Catherine
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Episode 277 of The Rob V Show (Periscope 101)

Episode 277 of The Rob V Show Diaz was back and Mike O’Neil joined the show. Quimby’s fraternity Noose hung out in studio and I think it’s safe to say he will coming back. Tom and Greg came in to shoot some lovely ladies. We covered everything from the Sixers canceling thire game to the panel teaching Noose a crash course on Twitter. Check the whole show out here!
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Episode 276 of The Rob V Show (Dolphing)

Episode 276 of The Rob V Show Julia from Xfinity Live joined us along with our old friends of the show Alyson and Connie. Connie brought her best friend Amanda in with her as well. Merchant Marine Rex filled in as a co-host and filled us in on what he does when he is deployed. We covered a lot of topics on the show and somehow we got Julia into a bikini. I also may try to look up her mom on match.
Check the whole show out here.
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Episode 275 of The Rob V Show (Quimby makes a good vodka tonic)

Episode 275 the group was back together for the first time in weeks. Pep’s cousin Ken joined us on the panel and we took a real liking to him. Mike O’Neil from Monarch joined us along with Ashly from the Philly Finest Calendar. We mainly talked about Donald Trump and how happy we were that he on the election. I did talk about my trip to Exxtoica and Jesse Jane standing me up for our interview. Check the whole show out here!
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Episode 274 Of The Rob V Show (Craig Shoemaker)

Episode 274 Of The Rob V Show I had the chance to have Flourtown’s own The Love Master himself Craig Shoemaker. It was a blast to have him on the show and he also tells a great Big Daddy Graham story and he also does a great BDG. Craig is also currently a writer on Fuller House which you can find on Netflixs. Craig is also in the middle of writing his on T.V Show. I also got to catch up with an old staple of the show the one and only Phil Allan he called in while he was on the road in Texas. Check the whole show out right here!