Episode 340 of The Rob V Show was just Hollis myself and his brother Pops. For the people that say all I have on is porn stars,strippers and models on “Not that its a bad thing” This show will prove it is not always the case. We started talking about Michael Jackson and then we got on the topic of race. It was a very good discussion and I think all the parties tonight learned about the other. Check the whole show out right here!
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Episode 339 Of The Rob V Show (I will still keep going even if her wig falls off)

Episode 339 of The Rob V Show it was just Hollis Thomas and myself. I let Hollis know that I am back on Match.com. I also talked about how I started to delete girls off Facebook if they post that they are in a relationship. Girls calling me to hang out with me just to hang out for Hollis or somehow get into the calendar. I am also learning to be less of a nice person and start using Hollis as my Life coach. Check the whole show out right here!
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Episode 338 Of The Rob V Show (Valentines Day Edition)

Episode 338 Hollis Thomas and TTP himself Mike Diaz joined the program, It was the night before Valentines day so I thought I would share some of my stories with the ladies that have wronged me over the years We also got into some talk about what we would like to do this summer. Check the whole show out right here!
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Episode 336 Of The Rob V Show (Hollis and Me)
Episode 336 Of The Rob V Show was the first time I did the show with just Hollis Thomas and myself. Josie joined us from Cheerleaders and Scores. For the first time ever we got to see out stripper pole in use. Josie shared with us some of the stories form the club and what she would out on her Tinder profile! Check the whole show out here!
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Episode 335 Of The Rob V Show (No Vegas,Baby Vegas)

Episode 335 Mike Diaz was back with us and Hollis was back from his vacation. I did have to bring up the elephant in the room that we are not in Vegas for the AVNS! Connie even joined us for some of the show and Rex broke the record for longest phone call ever into the show. . Calling all the way from South Korea. We also decided that we want to find an open mic so the whole crew can try stand up Check the whole show out right here!
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Episode 334 Of The Rob V Show P***y Slot Machine)

Episode 334 of The Rob V Show Pop’s joined me for the first time. Rex left for a ship tonight so we will not be seeing him for a few months. Our old friend Molly was in for her friend Gia. They both agreed to be our new interns! We touched on some interesting topics!! Tune in right here!
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Episode 333 Of The Rob V Show (I was getting the guilt trip off)

Quimby will be circumnavigating the globe like Magellan for the next few months so we will have to hold the fort down unit he returns. It was just Hollis,Rex and myself. The guys gave me some dating advice and let me know if a girl says she has a boyfriend that is just a road block and I should just push though. I also talked about the Green Legion Bar Crawl. Rex let us know how upset he was that being Irish and that they are not know for their food. Rex and Hollis also talked about soul food. I let the guys know about my trip down to New Jersey to see my grandparents. Also We closed the show a different way Zach Velivis has been promoted to Assistant Chief! Check the whole show out right here.
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Episode 332 of The Rob V Show (No is not the official go word)

The Show got off to a rocky start with my new computer not working the way I wanted it to. We did get back on track Hollis,Quimby and Rex spent a lot of time during the show giving me dating advice. Hollis also shared with us that he used to be the commissioner of the Snoop Dog Youth Football League in Las Vegas. We also learned that we will be back at the AVN Awards broadcasting live! Check the whole show out right here!
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Episode 331 Of The Rob V Show (He is one leg away from hanging himself)

Episode 331 started of on a down note. I thought we would have Christy Mack live in studio but it was not met to be. Hollis Thomas and his brother Paps joined is in studio. Hollis gave Rex relationship advice. He also then tried to motivate me to be more positive. I asked Hollis if he could be my own personal motivational speaker when talking to women. The show was only an hour this week so we all could hea of to Delilahs for their holiday party. Check the show out right here. It was a very entertaining hour! |
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Episode 330 Of The Rob V Show

Episode 330 of The Rob V Show It was just Rex and myself. Quimby was out of town for the week. Former Philadelphia Eagles and friend of the show Hollis Thomas stopped by for a few at the end of the show. We just looked back at 330 shows and can’t believe that the show has been around this long. I don’t know if we will be around for another 330 shows but we will sure try.