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Episode 214 of The Rob V Show (Trisha Uptown)

Episode #214 Trisha Uptown called in from her hometown of Kentucky! Episode 214 also brought us two new friends to the show and we were also joined by Misfit Tess who finished in third place in the NPC Lehigh Valley Classic. After myself, Quimby and Pep covered all the local news, national news, and news all over the world, we were joined by the lovely Lisa and her very sexy voice. Lisa was kind enough to interrupt her plans to join us and we greatly appreciate it. Lily Night took over Velivis Vision after that and she opened up our minds to a different type of lifestyle that was very very fascinating. Finally our good friend Tess came in to talk about her latest competition and what else is going on in her exciting career. Fun was had by all and we also learned that if Rick James didn’t have a monster hangover on August 8,1969 that he would have been a victim of the Manson Family. (True story) We also again would like to wish our cohost Tony Rollz a quick and speedy recovery! We miss ya buddy!
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