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Episode 219 of The Rob V Show “Big Titty Tuesday”

Tuesdays will now be called “Big Titty Tuesday” as long as we continue to have voluptuous guests in our studio. The usual suspects myself,Quimby,Pep, and Mr. Tony Rollz were joined by Tempest and Angelina. They joined us for a conversation and a great game of Dirty Dice. We also touched on the Ray Rice situation, the Philadelphia Eagles opener, and the sizes of our guests areolas. Our phone lines were lit up this week with calls from Captian Demps and Dana Mccelndon also, Pep’s cousin Ken Mondillo called in to promote a benefit for a wonderful person Ms.Tina Schwartz who has been battling an illness. You can find the details for the benefit on our fan page. Enjoy the show and have a good week everyone!
Check out Angelina’s software that she helped develop stripsync.com.
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